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Bob Rotella Golf Psychologist

Dr Bob Rotella

Dr Bob Rotella's Books

Dr Bob Rotella works with golfers to improve their mental games for golf performances. His books are a treasure trove of ideas for golfers to weave into their games and especially their practice sessions. The genius of Dr Bob's approach lies in its simplicity and emphasis. Bob Rotella harnessed the best of applied psychology research and his practical experiences on the PGATour to create a lesson plan from which any golfer can learn.

Dr Bob Rotella Quotes

The stories and experiences within the covers of each of Dr Bob's books are lessons to be learned for most golfers. In my experience, the greatest trouble golfers experience is choosing what is right for them alone. And aligned with this challenge is working on the specifics consistently. So how do you get the most from Dr Bob Rotella's book? The first thing to do is to make notes of what you feel resonates with you and your game. Choose two of the most important lessons you learned from reading Bob's work. Next, for the following 10 days, see how you can put Bob's wisdom to work in your game. Check in after each round or practice session to see how you are progressing. Rewards yourself for your progress. Here's one example.

Getting out into your target

Bob Rotella advises golfers to get out into their target like a basketball player shooting a free-throw. See whether you can get out into your target from three shots in a row. It might be a drive, and iron and a wedge. Maybe you want to practise getting out into your target for putting. See whether you can achieve this goal four times in a row.


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